
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
18.04.2011 Larko s.r.o., Kominárska 2,4, 831 04 Bratislava, 35835851 682,00
18.04.2011 Larko s.r.o., Kominárska 2,4, 831 04 Bratislava, 35835851 149,00
18.04.2011 Adrian Fejka - STAVEBNINY, 41193709 116,00
18.04.2011 Jaroslav Výboch J.V., 34620630 400,00
18.04.2011 TEMPEST, 31326650 3,840,00
18.04.2011 TEMPEST, 31326650 200,00
18.04.2011 MIVA Market s.r.o., 36704041 1,039,00
18.04.2011 IMCO Power, 35693801 81,00
18.04.2011 Stavcentrum Fekete, 36576336 59,00
18.04.2011 PETCAR SERVIS, Košice, 36568821 72,00