
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
14.04.2011 A.R.C. spol. s r.o. Radoľa, 31636837 9,393,00
14.04.2011 M.Tomel - Tomel, Prešov, 22909001 9,380,00
14.04.2011 Precon s.r.o., Nová Baňa, 36632091 345,00
14.04.2011 KERKO a.s.,BRATISLAVA, 36036218 84,00
14.04.2011 Dušan Spuchlák DROGÉRIA,Malacky, 14055864 189,00
14.04.2011 Stavebniny Kasan s.r.o., Nová Baňa, 45368279 100,00
14.04.2011 PAPIERNICTVO ŠKOPEK,MALACKY, 30896967 88,00
14.04.2011 ARCHA TELECOM spol. s r.o., 35753382 175,00
14.04.2011 RVEL, s.r.o., 36358223 3,000,00
14.04.2011 V.K.P. a.s., 35751967 228,00