
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
08.04.2011 HILKA autoservis, 34460934 0,00
08.04.2011 HILKA autoservis, 34460934 100,00
08.04.2011 Autodiely DAND, 36012581 5,00
08.04.2011 CHEDOS, a.s. Štúrova 101, Svit, 31677339 14,00
08.04.2011 Cb-mont s.r.o., 36017469 497,00
08.04.2011 OAT spol. s r.o., 17310016 10,000,00
08.04.2011 SLOVEX Alfa s.r.o., Trenčín, 31416942 574,00
08.04.2011 HILKA autoservis, 34460934 400,00
08.04.2011 DOPRASTAV ASFALT a.s., 46120602 3,375,00
08.04.2011 Fidop spol s.r.o., 36394343 4,800,00