
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
18.03.2011 Karol Kašubjak- Max Čadca, 37587889 504,00
18.03.2011 CORA Ing. Jozef Šifra, Traktorová 1, Poprad, 14280205 404,00
18.03.2011 KOLAN, s.r.o., Priemyselná 6, 924 00 Galanta , 34096299 7,518,00
18.03.2011 EKO - FBB s.r.o., 36471950 353,00
18.03.2011 Konnex s.r.o.Trstínska cesta 9, Trnava, 17639727 258,00
18.03.2011 Exzas Žilina, 33369241 96,00
18.03.2011 KP PLUS, s.r.o., 36475025 279,00
18.03.2011 KOVOSPOJ, v.o.s., 31600361 120,00
17.03.2011 C.S.Bitunova, s.r.o, 30228247 2,100,00
17.03.2011 TEMPEST, 31326650 1,020,00