
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
01.03.2011 Urban SK, 36643319 441,00
01.03.2011 Motor car, 36643*47 250,00
01.03.2011 PLYNOSERVIS ŠŠ-Igor Škopek,Malacky, 30896967 217,00
01.03.2011 TINTA-INK, MUDr. Viliam Donič, Košice, 10776966 63,00
01.03.2011 Hrivňák s.r.o., 36685879 1,118,00
01.03.2011 Slovnaft a.s., 31322832 15,420,00
01.03.2011 Mart System , 36488135 348,00
01.03.2011 Tomkat s.r.o., 36505561 50,00
01.03.2011 ProfiTyres s.r.o., Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 36311758 30,00
01.03.2011 LANET, s. r. o., 35777150 1,234,00