
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
25.02.2011 LUCUS, spol. s r.o., 36569631 2,007,00
25.02.2011 REPRO servis, s.r.o. L. Mikuláš, 36704393 83,00
25.02.2011 ŠEVT a.s., 31331131 7,00
25.02.2011 Vladimír Česmak - VALDO, 33876291 88,00
25.02.2011 Radoslav Polák Krásno nad Kysucou, 41358805 1,789,00
25.02.2011 VERCAJCH, 36004359 44,00
25.02.2011 AutoKODUS, s.r.o., 36530751 500,00
25.02.2011 Berner, 36647527 397,00
25.02.2011 Euro-vat, 18049397 152,00
25.02.2011 STK Zvolen, 44021321 30,00