
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
15.04.2011 Ing. arch. Pavel Bugar, 1028890874 517,00
15.04.2011 Mikona, s.r.o., , 31570364 159,00
15.04.2011 Hydratech, s.r.o., Galanta, 36267091 272,00
15.04.2011 Autoprofit, s.r.o., Šaľská 743/2, 92401 Galanta, 36239763 500,00
15.04.2011 RENOJAVA, s.r.o, 31727077 44,00
15.04.2011 KOVMAX spol. s r.o., L. Hrádok, 31638325 17,00
15.04.2011 BELLA-ELEKTRO, s.r.o., 36428728 79,00
15.04.2011 Ing. Peter Čanády, 33576653 27,00
15.04.2011 Ing. Imrich Lasab, 1041648498 542,00
15.04.2011 Ing. Imrich Lasab, 1041648498 1,000,00