
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
22.03.2011 LMM-TRADING, s.r.o., 31362044 180,00
22.03.2011 ARC Radoľa spol s r.o., 31636837 5,941,00
22.03.2011 Pavol Kunert-Kurt, Dubnica nad Váhom, 30180465 6,500,00
22.03.2011 Marius Pedersen a.s., Trenčín, 34115901 320,00
22.03.2011 KNOSS, spol. s r.o. 906 35 Plavecký Mikuláš 294, , 31427162 9,612,00
22.03.2011 GEOFOS, s.r.o., 36006980 65,654,00
22.03.2011 PPA INŽINIERING s.r.o., 31376045 62,565,00
21.03.2011 Najada, s.r.o., L. Mikuláš, 36403580 178,00
21.03.2011 Chemolak a.s., 31411851 314,00
21.03.2011 Chemolak a.s., 31411851 154,00