
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
08.02.2011 PO CAR, sr.ro, 31693989 107,00
08.02.2011 FEIM,Malacky, 32630671 485,00
08.02.2011 COMMODITY,Malacky, 35875151 395,00
08.02.2011 Elkostav KM. s.r.o., 36748901 3,011,00
08.02.2011 AUTOSKLO HORNET PREŠOV , 31600476 357,00
08.02.2011 ALUFIX SLOVAKIA,s.r.o., 31593135 203,00
08.02.2011 Doprava a služby K+T Čadca, 36008184 152,00
07.02.2011 Dušan Spuchlák, Malacky, 14055864 277,00
07.02.2011 Motor Car, 36643947 510,00
07.02.2011 Chemolak a.s., 31411851 56,00