
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
08.11.2024 2224012866 PHM ZM/2011/0402 4500246198 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 7,640,51
08.11.2024 2224012858 Oprava BL792LB 4500245156 Motor - Car Bratislava, spol. s r.o, Tuhovská 5, Bratislava, 831 07, SK 35828161 3,006,88
08.11.2024 2224012867 PHM ZM/2011/0402 4500246207 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 5,777,30
08.11.2024 2224012868 PHM ZM/2011/0402 4500245023 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 8,702,10
08.11.2024 2224012859 provízia z predaja DZ 10/24 ZM/2024/0093 4500246505 FED-oil, s.r.o., Košická 1758/1, Senec, 903 01, SK 45616973 118,93
08.11.2024 2224012869 PHM ZM/2011/0402 4500246182 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 8,795,63
08.11.2024 2324012052 Vecné bremeno na pozemok FO/PO VP/2024/14797 KARPATOVKA, s.r.o., Chmiňany 104, Chmiňany, 082 33, SK 36499757 19,50
08.11.2024 2224012870 PHM, AdBlue, Autopotreby ZM/2011/0402 4500247005 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 19,484,80
08.11.2024 2224012860 Provízia z predaja DZ 10/24 ZM/2024/0092 4500246506 DALITRANS, s.r.o., Veľké Bierovce 266, Veľké Bierovce, 913 11, SK 36298883 331,75
08.11.2024 2224012871 PHM, AdBlue ZM/2011/0402 4500246197 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 2,986,19