
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
01.02.2011 Messer Tatragas spol. s r.o., 00685852 15,00
01.02.2011 Danubiaservice, 31397549 200,00
01.02.2011 INPEKO-Ing. Sokol Ivan, 10938885 680,00
01.02.2011 REO AMOS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o., 31400221 132,00
01.02.2011 VALBEK, s.r.o., 36612642 249,00
31.01.2011 TAXI 4 U-Radovan KNAP, 37174754 240,00
31.01.2011 FIREcontrol, 35404841 41,00
31.01.2011 ŠEVT a.s., 31331131 576,00
31.01.2011 PFR Trade, s.r.o., 36362336 346,00
31.01.2011 HILKA autoservis, 40102_226 1,417,00