
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
28.01.2011 Auto CT, Záriečie 117, 36825182 55,00
28.01.2011 Chedos, a.s., 31677339 100,00
28.01.2011 MB Servis Moravany nad Váhom, 44020091 317,00
28.01.2011 Krídla s.r.o., 36466778 51,00
28.01.2011 Apl plus, s.r.o., 36492604 242,00
28.01.2011 Tenar spol. s.r.o., 31672191 122,00
28.01.2011 Autosklo servis s.r.o., 34130390 2,095,00
27.01.2011 Ing. Iveta Zvolská, DMP Hodruša Hámre, 30465583 194,00
27.01.2011 LMM Banská Bystrica, 31362044 53,00
27.01.2011 NCH Pure Solve, Bratislava, 34096043 138,00