
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
15.03.2011 Ján Urban - Urbanex, 10921061 227,00
15.03.2011 Motor-Car, spol. s r.o. Tuhovská 5 831 07 Bratislava, 35828161 1,834,00
15.03.2011 Motor-Car, spol. s r.o. Tuhovská 5 831 07 Bratislava, 35828161 175,00
15.03.2011 TRANSTECH-Rottel-PKB-PA, 36481459 2,070,00
15.03.2011 Inovation Slovakia, s.r.o. Budovateľska 63 Prešov, 31701892 1,247,00
15.03.2011 Geoexperts, spol. s.r.o., 31621082 1,499,00
15.03.2011 Stavebná fakulta STU, 397684 1,550,00
15.03.2011 Ing. Peter Cengel - GEOFLEX, 32512252 29,999,00
15.03.2011 JUDr. Ladislav Barát, 36868639 29,999,00
15.03.2011 JUDr. Ladislav Barát, 36868639 30,000,00