
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
14.03.2011 Datalan, a. s., 35810734 2,645,00
14.03.2011 PB Com, spol. s. r. o., 25280686 3,900,00
14.03.2011 LASER servis, s. r. o., 35755989 4,312,00
14.03.2011 ZNAK, spol. s r. o., 31614884 5,400,00
14.03.2011 Ing. arch. Pavel Bugár, 1028890874 84,00
14.03.2011 Hatrick s.r.o., 36626350 1,618,00
14.03.2011 Dopravoprojekt, a.s., 31322000 28,462,00
14.03.2011 AD Consult, a.s., 35859237 20,000,00
14.03.2011 Ing. Radomír Bičár, 33087873 6,667,00
14.03.2011 Ing. Dušan Vanek, 30361958 334,00