
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
28.04.2011 FAX COPY, a.s., Domkárska 15, Bratislava, 35729040 147,00
28.04.2011 Polák Radoslav, 41358805 52,00
28.04.2011 OSAN Bratislava a.s., Ružinovská 42, Bratislava, 35764899 427,00
27.04.2011 REPRO servis, s.r.o. , 36704393 125,00
27.04.2011 J.Svetík - TV servis, Nová Baňa, 33335796 371,00
27.04.2011 J.Ďurček - Orbis, Nová Baňa, 34774017 940,00
27.04.2011 Miroslav Paganik, Udiča, 10878084 28,00
27.04.2011 INŠTALMONT IN,MALACKY, 35874511 227,00
27.04.2011 PAVOL CHMELA-PNEU,LáB, 34391100 450,00
27.04.2011 PAVOL CHMELA PNEU,LáB, 34391100 314,00