Nonstop motorized patrol of the National Motorway Company located directly on motorways. Call the Motorway Patrol directly by clicking the button or dial 0800 100 007.
Nonstop motorized patrol of the National Motorway Company located directly on motorways. Call the Motorway Patrol directly by clicking the button or dial 0800 100 007.
Last year, the number of dangerous situations for motorway workers carrying out their job duties decreased by 30 %. The safety of staff employees working in the field is the utmost priority for Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (National Motorway Company, hereinafter referred to as “NDS”). That was the reason for introducing new safety features on motorways managed by NDS.
V rámci výstavby rýchlostnej cesty R2 Kriváň – Mýtna sa už definitívne ukončili práce na odstránení skládky odpadu.
Over the past 10 years, the crews of the Motorway Patrol of Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (National Motorway Company, hereinafter referred to as “NDS”) have helped up to 215 thousand drivers in need on motorways or expressways. In most cases, they have helped with providing a safety cover for vehicles. The free-of-charge service of the Motorway Patrol is available to motorists 24/7.
Along with the construction of the Košice bypass in eastern Slovakia, Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (the National Motorway Company, hereinafter referred to as “NDS”) is fulfilling its obligations towards the environment. Last year, the work on the revitalisation of wetlands near the Valaliky municipality was launched. This year, the construction of the wetlands will be completed.
In 2024, the revenues of Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (National Motorway Company, hereinafter referred to as “NDS”) from the sale of motorway vignettes accounted for nearly 112.5 million EUR. Almost one-third of the vignettes were purchased by drivers from foreign countries. The biggest annual increase in the sale of motorway vignettes was recorded by drivers from Austria (an increase of 3.4%) and Poland (an increase of 2.5%), however, most of the vignettes purchased by drivers from abroad still belong to vehicles registered in the Czech Republic.
Kúpa elektronickej diaľničnej známky len cez oficiálny nákupný eshop – Národná diaľničná spoločnosť odporúča všetkým motoristkám a motoristom využívať na nákup len túto webovú stránku, pretože iné weby si od zákazníka vypýtajú omnoho vyššie sumy za elektronické diaľničné známky. Nenaleťte a neplaťte viac, overte si, či nakupujte správne.
All important information about electronic vignettes, their price and the options to buy an e-vignette.
A comprehensive overview of information on electronic tolls for your easy and quick reference.
Rest areas
Overview of rest areas with services offering online monitoring of parking places
Suggestions of the nearest petrol stations according to your preference and navigation to them
Motorway Patrol
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