
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
14.04.2011 ARCHA TELECOM spol. s r.o., 35753382 175,00
14.04.2011 RVEL, s.r.o., 36358223 3,000,00
14.04.2011 V.K.P. a.s., 35751967 228,00
14.04.2011 Konnex,s.r.o. Trnava, 17639727 250,00
14.04.2011 O.D.S s.r.o.,NOVÁ VES NAD ŽITAVOU, 36289434 1,380,00
14.04.2011 Q shop, s. r. o., 35816449 2,769,00
14.04.2011 AIR LIQUIDE SLOVAKIA, s.r.o, 35788283 43,00
14.04.2011 Papierníctvo Cech Čadca, 14165198 172,00
14.04.2011 Strojzvar, Košice, 10687815 601,00
14.04.2011 Alfa 04, a.s., 35889853 1,540,00