
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
12.04.2011 ELBA Nová Baňa, 17923638 21,00
12.04.2011 DUO ADOS, Žarnovica, 36623474 115,00
12.04.2011 ICEL,s.r.o., Lad. Vieska, 36628816 102,00
12.04.2011 Elektronix, Nová Baňa, 45409129 85,00
12.04.2011 Autodiely Pittner, N.Baňa, 34771760 174,00
12.04.2011 Aquakor Stavebniny, Žarnovica, 45860564 298,00
12.04.2011 Icel Združenie, Lad. Vieska, 33323496 253,00
12.04.2011 Messer Tatragas, Bratislava, 685852 182,00
12.04.2011 Dopra-Via, Drieňova 27, Bratislava, 00684422 215,00
12.04.2011 Júlia Vrabcová, Zberňa prádla, Hodská 1356, Galanta, 30957427 180,00