
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
01.04.2011 Jozef Galdun, 30235707 393,00
01.04.2011 AUTOŠKOLA, Beluša, 14190800 729,00
01.04.2011 MESSER Tatragas s.r.o., 00685852 105,00
01.04.2011 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie hrdlo 1, 824 12 Bratislava, 31322832 24,167,00
01.04.2011 Chemsearrch divízia NCH Slovakia s.r.o., 3409043 3,889,00
01.04.2011 Dopravoprojekt a.s. Bratislava, 31322000 3,240,00
31.03.2011 Daqua v.o.s., Žarnovica, 36052621 453,00
31.03.2011 Elba - Viliam Holý, Nová Baňa, 17923638 143,00
31.03.2011 Aquakor s.r.o., Žarnovica, 45860564 23,00
31.03.2011 R.Lojka - Zdvihzar, Lutila, 40391876 60,00