
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
29.03.2011 Datalan, a. s., 35810734 1,338,00
29.03.2011 LANET, s. r. o., 35777150 14,380,00
29.03.2011 TEMPEST, 31326650 14,770,00
29.03.2011 Marek Socha -ATOS, Košice, 43139191 86,00
29.03.2011 DATAS-VT, s.r.o. Košice, 36197963 293,00
29.03.2011 Beech Consulting, s.r.o., 44152698 24,750,00
29.03.2011 Yves & Soteco Slovakia spol. s.r.o., 35799331 17,00
29.03.2011 MB Servis, s.r.o., Moravany nad Váhom, 44020091 824,00
29.03.2011 Mgr. Miroslav Pavlov, 34801844 203,00
29.03.2011 Živa SK, s.r.o. Zemianska Olča, 35930969 516,00