
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
28.03.2011 MB SERVIS, 44020091 918,00
28.03.2011 Unios, s.r.o., 36042731 309,00
28.03.2011 Ivan Zuzin - TECHNIK, 14447886 8,00
28.03.2011 HILTI Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava, 31344445 152,00
28.03.2011 UND-03, a.s. Košice , 31719163 250,00
28.03.2011 MAX MOTORSPORT s.r.o., Lichardova 7, Bratislava, 35922508 387,00
28.03.2011 MAX MOTORSPORT s.r.o., Lichardova 7, Bratislava, 35922508 400,00
28.03.2011 Peter Ormandík - Autosúčiastky, Gáň 35, 92531, 34647929 273,00
28.03.2011 Karol Kašubjak- Max Čadca, 37587889 290,00
28.03.2011 Doprava a služby K+T Čadca, 36008184 39,00