
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
24.01.2011 MOTOR-CAR, BA, 35828161 676,00
24.01.2011 Dpt.Miroslav ZIGO,BA, 32088647 504,00
24.01.2011 MANUTAN Slovakia, s.r.o., 35885815 415,00
24.01.2011 HILKA autoservis, 40102_213 500,00
24.01.2011 Drutechna, 167436 300,00
24.01.2011 Drutechna, 167436 350,00
24.01.2011 SLOVPAP Žilina, s.r.o., 36382281 105,00
24.01.2011 Auto Becchi, s.r.o., 44624948 306,00
24.01.2011 Auto Becchi, s.r.o., 44624948 231,00
24.01.2011 ŠEVT, a.s. diskontná predajňa Košice, 31331131 400,00