The number of 10-day motorway vignettes sold in the busy months exceeded a quarter of a million. Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (the National Motorway Company, hereinafter referred to as „NDS“) has sold in the period from January 2024 until now 2.4 million 10-day vignettes in total. The second best-selling vignette is the 365-day vignette, with over 1 million vignettes sold in 2024. The third best-selling vignette is the newly introduced 1-day vignette with almost 740,000 vignettes sold. The 30-day vignette accounted for almost 510 thousand of the vignettes sold.
The drivers can already purchase a vignette from the 2025 vignette edition. In early December, NDS informed the public about the pre-sale of vignettes from the 2025 edition as well as several changes regarding the purchase of the electronic motorway vignette. The changes do mainly concern duplicate purchases of motorway vignettes that are no longer possible as of December 2024. This means that if there is a valid 365-day motorway vignette purchased for a given vehicle, the purchase of another vignette of the same type for the same or overlapping period will not be possible. NDS has received hundreds of complaints concerning duplicate purchases of motorway vignettes. Hundreds of motorway vignettes from the 2025 edition have already been sold in the pre-sale. The new edition of 2025 motorway vignettes also enables the drivers to make use of an extended possibility to postpone the start date of validity of the vignette. As of January 2025, the start date of vignette validity can be postponed by up to 60 days instead of the previous 13 days.
The National Motorway Company advises motorists to only purchase the electronic motorway vignette through the official channels such as the website www.eznamka.sk, the mobile app eZnamka, the Information and Sales Points located at the motorway border crossings (Brodské, Čunovo, Jarovce, Skalité, Milhosť) or other 400 official Points of Sale. Reselling websites and e-shops may not take account of the current changes in due time. This may even lead to situations when motorists purchase the vignette for a higher price than sold at official sales channels, yet they still do not have a valid motorway vignette.