
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
21.04.2011 Imrich JURUŠ - IREZ, Košice, 32513372 284,93
21.04.2011 Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., Bratislava, 35815256 19,549,60
21.04.2011 Bzenex BMP, s.r.o., Bzenica, 36776459 154,18
21.04.2011 Mezei Vladimír - VDDOS, Pezinok, 40051102 128,18
21.04.2011 NOVAPHARM, s.r.o., Košice, 35768568 90,30
21.04.2011 MUDr. Juraj Sninský - Vivatex šport, Hotel Dixon, Banská Bystrica, 17840775 3,290,25
21.04.2011 Miloslav DUBEŇ STAVBYT, Radoľa, 33919712 150,66
21.04.2011 Vladimír Fedra-FEIM, Malacky, 32630671 532,10
21.04.2011 SATES a.s., Považská Bystrica, 31628541 2,041,92
21.04.2011 Dušan Spuchlák - Drogéria - Farby, 14055864 180,76