
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
14.03.2011 Východoslovenská energetika a.s., Košice, 36211222 2,19
14.03.2011 MIESFERA CONSULT, s.r.o., Košice, 45948551 2,000,00
14.03.2011 ZSE Energia, a.s., Bratislava, 36677281 1,184,54
14.03.2011 HARMANN, s.r.o., Trnava, 36220710 485,17
14.03.2011 Milan Franek, Olešná, 45916586 230,40
14.03.2011 Karol kašubjak - MAX, Čadca, 37587889 6,46
14.03.2011 Micromega, s.r.o., Olešná, 36435074 25,64
14.03.2011 CHEMOLAK a.s., Smolenice, 31411851 110,10
14.03.2011 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 31322832 101,58
14.03.2011 DOXX - Stravné lístky, spol. s r.o., Žilina, 36391000 6,133,84