
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
04.02.2011 Ing. Milan Boroš - COPEX-Reprografia, Bratislava, 22658858 53,97
04.02.2011 TEMPEST a.s., Bratislava, 31326650 153,60
04.02.2011 Stredoslovenská energetika-Distribúcia, a.s., Žilina, 36442151 0,00
04.02.2011 LESY SR, š.p. OZ 23 Prešov, 36038351 93,800,10
04.02.2011 DENIOS s.r.o., Strakonice, 25178831 302,40
04.02.2011 MÚRCASS s.r.o., Košice, 36168688 3,662,96
04.02.2011 DOXX - Stravné lískty, spol. s r.o., Žilina, 36391000 4,631,60
04.02.2011 HATRICK, s.r.o., Brezno, 36626350 1,054,08
04.02.2011 Obec Beharovce, Beharovce, 00328944 360,15
04.02.2011 N-POWER, spol. s r.o., Banská Bystrica, 36057436 16,275,11