
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
07.02.2011 HILKA autoservis, 40102_422 700,00
07.02.2011 Drutechna, 167436 200,00
07.02.2011 MASS, spol.s.r.o., 31607586 300,00
07.02.2011 ADMINISTER Slovakia, spol. s r.o., 43999948 192,00
07.02.2011 Milan Franek Olešná, 45916586 240,00
07.02.2011 KP plus s.r.o., 36475025 271,00
07.02.2011 KP plus s.r.o., 36475025 87,00
04.02.2011 NCH Slovakia, s.r.o., 34096043 497,00
04.02.2011 Autodielňa Delinčák Jozef Čadca, 36947717 660,00
04.02.2011 Kobit SK Dolný Kubín, 31641440 65,00