
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
16.05.2011 Michal MACHALA, 44042566 83,00
16.05.2011 KOBIT-SK, s.r.o., 31641440 1,278,00
13.05.2011 LUCUS spol.s r.o., 36569631 2,134,00
13.05.2011 KLS, s.r.o., Bratislava, 896306 1,296,00
13.05.2011 Protech s.r.o., 36057231 102,00
13.05.2011 Ivan Zuzin - Technik, 14447886 825,00
13.05.2011 Ivan Zuzin - Technik, 14447886 59,00
12.05.2011 Jozef Kvaššay, 32900694 13,942,00
12.05.2011 VÚIS-MOSTY spol. s.r.o., 31319394 9,520,00
12.05.2011 DOSA Slovakia, s.r.o., 36412678 15,900,00