
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
14.01.2011 Ing.Peter Krivoš, Nálepkova 516,Liptovský Hrádok, 10857460 150,00
13.01.2011 BIGUM, s,r,o, 36478121 92,00
13.01.2011 Chemolak a.s., 31411851 83,00
13.01.2011 A.R.C. spol. s r.o., Radoľa, 31636837 1,599,00
13.01.2011 Eurokameň s.r.o., 36593648 3,409,00
13.01.2011 QESTUS s.r.o., 44018363 3,448,00
12.01.2011 Chemolak a.s., 31411851 306,00
12.01.2011 Datalan, a. s., 35810734 181,00
12.01.2011 DTW, s. r. o., 36831379 1,270,00
12.01.2011 Versity, a. s., 36396222 433,00