
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 200,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 434,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 1,000,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 1,042,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 234,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 100,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Oliver Stollár, 00913220 300,00
29.04.2011 Ing. Peter Krivoš, 10857460 300,00
29.04.2011 DOPRA-VIA a.s., 00684422 1,260,00
29.04.2011 Štefan Badínsky -Oprava automobilov Svätý Jur, 37290231 230,00