
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
21.03.2011 Doprastav, a.s. , Bratislava, 31333320 248,00
21.03.2011 DMP Hodruša Hámre, 30465583 59,00
21.03.2011 HSV - PSV PRÁCE, 12608483 556,00
21.03.2011 Filteko s.r.o., 36462110 420,00
21.03.2011 ZTS-OTS, a.s. Dubnica nad Váhom, 36302457 205,00
21.03.2011 Miroslav Prekop- Autidielňa, Trenčianska Turná, 43249132 119,00
21.03.2011 INTERMED spol. s r.o., Bratislava, 35726181 797,00
21.03.2011 C.S.Bitunova spol.s.r.o., Zvolen, 30228247 175,00
21.03.2011 Dpt.Miroslav ZIGO,BRATISLAVA, 32088647 202,00
21.03.2011 Technik, 14447886 59,00