
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
31.03.2011 HBH Projekt spol. s.r.o., 31815332 28,000,00
31.03.2011 Truck Servis Trnava, s.r.o., Vlčkovce, 36241245 575,00
31.03.2011 MB Servis s.r.o., Moravany nad Váhom, 44020091 417,00
31.03.2011 EUROWATER, spol. s.r.o., Bratislava, 17310041 99,00
31.03.2011 TAXI 4U-Radovan KNAP, 37174754 240,00
31.03.2011 QESTUS s.r.o., 44018363 90,00
31.03.2011 Seesame. s.r.o., 35702931 8,760,00
31.03.2011 Demján s.r.o., 35941481 29,700,00
31.03.2011 Seesame. s.r.o., 35702931 29,600,00
31.03.2011 Beech Consulting, s.r.o., 44152698 29,700,00