
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT Signed the order
31.03.2011 AMETYS. s.r.o. Košice, kameňolom Hosťovce, 31662064 1,280,00
31.03.2011 Geoconsult, s.r.o., 31422969 29,200,00
31.03.2011 Geoconsult, s.r.o., 31422969 27,581,00
31.03.2011 Geoconsult, s.r.o., 31422969 27,900,00
31.03.2011 Geoconsult, s.r.o., 31422969 27,775,00
31.03.2011 Geofos, s.r.o., 36006980 28,680,00
31.03.2011 Kominárstvo Tomáš HALÁSZ, Košice, 10815538 292,00
31.03.2011 EUROVIA-Kameňolomy, s.r.o., Košice, 36574988 13,945,00
31.03.2011 EUROVIA-Kameňolomy, s.r.o. Košice, 36574988 6,500,00
31.03.2011 FIRESTOP, Púchov, 33482179 625,00