
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
15.03.2011 Ján Brandis, Oščadnica, 30550645 220,00
15.03.2011 Chemolak as., Smolenice, 31411851 90,10
15.03.2011 Milan Šimášek - ŠKM servis, Stará Bystrica, 40139468 48,00
15.03.2011 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 31322832 1,372,30
15.03.2011 AUTODIEĹŇA DELINČÁK JOZEF, Čadca, 36947717 201,60
15.03.2011 Zuzana Tarnociová - T.T.SERVIS, Sliač, 33305102 72,90
15.03.2011 René Gabčo, R.G.COPY, Púchov, 34749951 1,013,76
15.03.2011 PROMA INVEST, s.r.o., Žilina, 36438626 5,496,93
15.03.2011 Doprastav, a.s., Bratislava, 31333320 3,084,322,53
15.03.2011 Trnavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Piešťany, 36252484 1,380,24