
The date of the order identification data of the order Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in € without VAT
28.04.2011 BBG Monal, 31368671 8,00
28.04.2011 Hydraflex , 36699420 15,00
28.04.2011 Nicholtrackt, 31583466 50,00
28.04.2011 Nicholtrackt, 31583466 128,00
28.04.2011 Železiarstvo J.T. Nákupná 1, 821 06 Bratislava, 32110006 460,00
28.04.2011 Vlasta Jacková Albia, 34926020 74,00
28.04.2011 TANEX spol. s r.o., Trnava, 18048871 200,00
28.04.2011 OLAH-PROS Ing.Július Pros Matúškovo, 14066262 419,00
28.04.2011 DMP Hodruša - Hámre, 30465583 120,00
28.04.2011 EUROKONTOR,s.r.o.,MALACKY, 31335772 52,00