
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
21.03.2011 DOXX - Stravné lístky, spol. s r.o., Žilina, 36391000 1,520,00
21.03.2011 Progres GEO, s.r.o., Prešov, 31688560 7,807,21
19.03.2011 Myka spol. s r.o., Žilina, 31586091 105,60
18.03.2011 JAGA GROUP, s.r.o., Bratislava, 35705779 518,40
18.03.2011 Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., Bratislava, 35815256 35,660,80
18.03.2011 Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s., Bratislava, 36403008 1,920,00
18.03.2011 Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s., Bratislava, 36403008 1,920,00
18.03.2011 Ing. Igor Žatkovič - Geo-Real, Košice, 14336588 5,934,94
18.03.2011 Ing. Igor Žatkovič - Geo-Real, Košice, 14336588 143,39
18.03.2011 I.F.I. Group, a.s., Žilina, 36413470 138,00