
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
10.04.2012 2112000332 MPV OBJ/1417/2008 Cengel Peter Ing. - GEOFLEX, Gemerská 3, Košice, 040 11, SK 32512252 1,882,10
10.04.2012 2212002702 El. en. Meteo Brodno ZML/368/2010 Stredoslovenská energetika a.s., Pri Rajčianke 8591/4B, Žilina, 010 47, SK 36403008 56,11
10.04.2012 2212002597 4500015117 D.I.SEVEN,a.s., Miletičova 14, Bratislava, 821 08, SK 35799161 2,712,69
10.04.2012 2212002599 4500015118 BRAVURA I.M. s.r.o., Z.Kodálya 793/18, Galanta, 924 01, SK 36292176 910,32
10.04.2012 2212002629 4500015442 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 65,93
10.04.2012 2212002630 4500015434 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 367,07
10.04.2012 2212002705 4500015427 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 459,85
10.04.2012 2212002851 4500015471 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 930,09
10.04.2012 2212002859 4500015453 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 2,354,47
10.04.2012 2212002878 4500015458 SLOVNAFT, a.s., Vlčie Hrdlo 1, Bratislava, 824 12, SK 31322832 295,99