
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
10.03.2011 N-POWER, apol. s r.o., Bnská Bystrica, 36057436 2,922,24
10.03.2011 N-POWER, spol. s r.o., Banská Bystrica, 36057436 16,229,38
10.03.2011 UND-03 a.s., Košice, Košice, 31719163 221,97
10.03.2011 UND-03 a.s. Košice, Košice, 31719163 167,10
10.03.2011 MUDr. Viliam Donič TINTA-INK, Košice, 10776966 60,48
10.03.2011 Pavol RAFFAELIS - ERAF, Košice, 10695354 626,40
10.03.2011 ALEZÁR Ján, Košice, 14302331 1,180,61
10.03.2011 STK MOLDAVA, s.r.o., Čečejovce, 36202487 51,44
10.03.2011 LIFTEX-Rusnačková V., Košice, 17251605 74,88
10.03.2011 Advokátska kancelária, JUDr. Renáta Barbušová, Bratislava, 30811481 672,90