
Invoice delivery date Identification data of the invoice Description of the ordered performance Identification of the contract Order identification Name of supplier ID number of the supplier Amount in EUR without VAT
05.04.2011 Chemolak a.s., Smolenice, 31411851 390,69
05.04.2011 Chemolak a.s., Smolenice, 31411851 319,95
05.04.2011 Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie, Bratislava, 31753990 10,21
05.04.2011 OBORIL Peter Oboril, Trnava, 34947396 217,75
05.04.2011 AQUAKOR STAVEBNINY s.r.o., Žarnovica, 45860564 21,54
05.04.2011 DAQUA v.o.s., Žarnovica, 36052621 434,54
05.04.2011 ELBA.H Viliam Holý, Nová Baňa, 17923638 136,98
05.04.2011 Spoločnosť Pohronie, a.s., Lieskovec, 36004472 11,40
05.04.2011 Volker Gonschorek & Co. GmbH, Könighs Wusterhausen, SK2021937775 1,539,80
05.04.2011 Volker Gonschorek & Co. GmbH, Königs Wusterhausen, SK2021937775 391,42